Today Zaara Kohime opened her new sim Zaara, which is now home to her mainstore. The build should be enough to encourage you to visit... here are a few shots (which I've totally stolen from Berry)...

I cannot imagine you don't know of Zaara's amazing fashion line, which while she does specialize in Indian wear, she also carries an array of styles that carry over the themes to a more mainstream/western tone. I know I've not really shared much before from her line, but I do OWN most of whats there. I love to shop there, and mix and match her pieces. All of her work is meticulously done, fine texturing, and excellent work with prims.

So today at the grand opening both Berry and Zaara pointed me to the back of the new store, where I fell in love with the new version of her Black Swan gown - - Hansika.

So now you have more then one reason to visit.... you can pick up the new gown, and stroll through the courtyard and temple. =)

Need to Knows:

Skin: Redgrave - Chloe (Smoky 2)
Eyes: the oBscene - Collection Contacts 007 (Green)
Lashes: Cake - Bedroom Lashes
Hair: TRUTH - Hallie (Cranberry)


Keeley Huet said...

That dress looks so incredibly gorgeous on you. <3