
&Bean :)

Hello all :)

So I was strolling around the new cupcake sim and I stumbled across a little store called &Bean. I have previously visited this store in its old location and bought a few items but seriously the new stuff in the main store just blew me away. I rarely walk into a store and NEED everything but with &Bean I NEEDED everything. The textures are fantastic and the range of clothes is also great. It is not a huge range but its has one of everything really. Tanks, Trousers, shiny leggings, dresses etc.
I immediately fell in love with the "signaling through the flames" skirt It's like the flounciest tu tu type skirt ever!! It's so girlie and pretty.It could easily be dressed up or down. I opted for a more dressed down street type look in these pictures.I paired it with the equally awesome coat from there called "Maps". I love the pointed shoulder pads and the rolled up sleeves that have a hint of color. Also I wanted to mention these awesome "fame shades" from Vintage wear. I know that this shades have been all over the feeds but I slove them.
Take care all :)
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What's worn yo:
Hairs: DC: Raine: Warm
Skins: Bebae:Anael: cinna:plum
Scarf: Muism:Chunky scarf.. Tartan
Boots: Gbberish-LA JALOUSIE
Purse: IITB:Sealed with a Kiss:Bag
Tights: !*G^G*! tartan tights red socks
Tee shirt: Thimbles: Eagles( free gift)