
Dress US Up!

Us MSC girls are joining in on the fun... the Dress Me Up Challenge, which was thought up by the lovely Achariya Maktoum!

So have a go... we are excited to see what you want us in!Rules:
1. Post a picture of yourself in your underpants.
2. In this post, invite your readers to suggest a particular outfit (or hair, jewelry, shoes, skin, etc.) from a designer for you to purchase and write about. (Designers, feel free to suggest items from your own line - why not, after all?) People who respond should explain why they like these items.
3. In the next few weeks, look back over the suggestion list and incorporate these ideas into your regular blogging, marking these entries with the tag “dress me up.” Post in as many or few suggestions as you want. It’s up to the blogger’s discretion to pick which items to wear, so no complaining if they don’t pick your idea, K?


Auntykuro said...

Yay! I get to dress you up !! Okay, you can take this suggestion as expensive or affordable as you'd like. There are great feline avatar skins on Temenos Island from Boneflower Designs. These, paired with clothes/accessories from Magika, would make you guys look like high fantasy :D.

Felicity Blumenthal said...

WooHoo! That is going to be FUN.

Unknown said...

hmmmm... Aitui has just released stuff for girls! And Refuge, Sinistyle, Angry Monkey are always great places to shop. ^^

Keeley Huet said...

Ohhhhhh sounds neat!