
Hair Fair 2009

So I tried to come up with some creative way to blog my fave's from the hair fair... but didn't come up with anything, and gave up! LOL

So, I am just going to share with you 10 styles that I really loved. These of course aren't the only ones I loved, but I tried to pick some that might not have been shared yet, and give you a few that you may not have heard of.

Just because its not a huge name you hear everyday doesn't mean there aren't lots of other great hairs to check out. This is sort of the purpose of the hair fair, well in my opinion, and in addition to the fund raising of course.

So, head over, try and be wise and don't go prim heavy, and stop in all the shops, even the ones you might want to walk past, you never know whats waiting in store!

TOP ROW: Rosy Mood - Bounce, Curio - Paper Tiger, Rosy Mood - Honor, Raspberry Aristocrat - Beth, Refuge - Zoey
BOTTOM ROW: Here Comes Trouble - Sophie, Miau Haus - Saeya, Hype Hair - Butterscotch1, Rosy Mood - Breeze, Vignette - Ellie